Wednesday, December 10, 2014

At My Wits END!

This has been an extremely trying week and its only Wednesday! So let me back up to Tuesday to give you some insight on how stressful this week has been. It started with a phone call from my husband telling me that the school will probably calling me to have me come pick up our youngest son, Caden. Now Caden has been going through some changes. We are not quite sure what's going on.  We have been told that he may be ODD we have been told that he may have  ADHD. However one thing is clear, he is not the same little boy that he was a year ago.

His temper has shortened to the degree that the moment that he is upset he becomes violent and combative with the teachers and assistant principals in his elementary school. His principal is concerned because she feels that Caden is a brilliant 6 year old that is struggling to reconcile his maturity with his intelligence which makes complete sense to us. The problem is he just can't continue to fight and scream and cry when he gets upset. So today my husband informed me that the therapist would like to place him in a partial placement treatment program where he will be monitored so that the therapist and school officials can see what his triggers are, how he is feeling, how long it takes for the medication to take effect, when it wears off and things like that. I'm feeling a little sad because I know it's necessary but there's nothing I can do to help my little boy. When he told me yesterday that he just wants to be a good boy and he doesn't know what's wrong, it broke my heart.

The worst part is that I'll be leaving in about 30 to 35 days and my husband will be left alone to struggle to get our son on the right path.

LASTLY, today I realized that it was our 3 year anniversary at Fort Hood. At that very moment I read an email telling me that I had been assigned to Alpha Company, 304th ESB HQ Platoon at Camp Humphreys, Korea. Ironically, this is the same unit my 1SG became an NCO. The feeling of fear, excitement, worry, and slight panic rushed over me all at once. 

I'm basically an emotional wreck! I'm excited about this change and an opportunity to reinvent myself and grow. But it's getting harder and harder for me to leave my boys when they need me so much.

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